A Canadian dance artist and scholar currently based on Patwin lands (Davis, California) and on Coast Salish lands (Vancouver, BC, Canada), pursuing a PhD in Sociocultural Anthropology at UC Davis. 

Her work is critical of prescriptive mind/body dualisms and hegemonic approaches to kinesthetic experience. She makes movement, textile, and text-based art in quiet, devoted, clumsy, and rigorous ways to bring creative and infrastructural change to her communities.

Ileanna is currently working s l o o o o  o  o  o   o   o   o    o    o    o   w l y with slowness and disorientation.

Her research, activist phenomenology, attends to the ways that dancers, who spend decades experimenting with their bodies as sensing and moving social intelligences, are uniquely reflective and insightful about how ideas emerge at the intersection of creative acts of meaningful performance making, pedagogical hierarchies, and social justice issues. As in: dancers invent new worlds. 

Full bio HERE

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A Canadian dance artist and scholar currently based on Patwin lands (Davis, California)and on Coast Salish lands (Vancouver, BC, Canada), pursuing a PhD in Sociocultural Anthropology at UC Davis,

Her work is critical of prescriptive mind/body dualisms and hegemonic approaches to kinesthetic experience. She makes movement, textile, and text-based art in quiet, devoted, clumsy, and rigorous ways to bring creative and infrastructural change to her communities.

Full bio HERE

︎︎︎ Contact


SLO O O  O  O  O   O   O   O    O    O    O     W   N  E  S  S ES 

find notes and writings and ideas on slowness accumulating in real-ish time here

Slownesses is an ongoing practice-based research project thinking about slowness and its kinds. I know that there is:

- slowness: a physical slowness, moving slowly, going nowhere fast.
- slowness: a drifting, wandering, cruising through experience that opposes institutional pacings and temporalities.
- slowness: a thoroughness, never missing a step, hitting every gate, smoothing the transitions, taking one’s time.
- slowness: an instrument for the obliteration of time.
- slowness: a highly sensitive phenomenological experience of presence, movement, connection.
- slowness: not waiting.
- slowness: a being with what is. 



A practice-as-research lab for moving through and with slowness. 

Participants were asked to bring forms and types and substances of slow. 

Oobleck, the void, honey, and ceremony were some to play with. 

Being in the not waiting. 

Ooblecking - global stiffening, liquifying when the hold doesn’t hook.